Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Managing and leading people across cultural borders Essay
Managing and leading people across cultural borders - Essay Example Globalisation has brought the entire world on one platform.Most of the countries of the globe are interacting on a regular basis in order to compete in the world markets.The managers are thus under a lot of pressure in these organisations for the purpose of the development of the long term goals and in order to conduct business To manage the global economy cross cultural communication has become essential. This is mainly because of the fact that a company in order to be multinational have to cross the national borders of the headquarters and has to make its presence in the different parts of the world in order to have a wider access to the world markets. The success of a company depends on the multicultural competence it possesses. This means that the company should be able to accommodate all the types of cultures in a particular location so that there are fewer problems to combat the global competition. Theoretical Background of Cross Cultural Communication Significant numbers of sc holars have contributed to the issues of cross-cultural communication. One of the main proponents who have contributed to the issue is Geert Hofstede. According to Hofstede, the variety of skills of management would vary across organisations. This means that for a company that is located in one particular country would have a distinct culture which would not match will the culture of an organisation that is located in a different continent. Thus natural cultures are unique. People are the most important part of an organisation. Since the humans build the companies it is imperative that the culture and the backgrounds in which the people are based would also mould the culture of the organisation which is being built. Thus the type of Management that is practised by the so called Western Countries like the United States would be different from that of Germany or Netherlands. Again the Western culture would be different from that of the Asian countries or the Middle Eastern countries w here a more conservative type of organisation culture prevails (Hofstede, 1984, pp. 81-99). According to Hofstede in the process of management the employees in the organisation would make use of the technical as well as economic resources in order to attain the desired outcomes. Thus the societies of the world are characterised by different set of cultures. Hofstede had shared his experience of working in IBM in the later phases of his life. There are various aspects of the theory of Hofstede. He explained the concept of power distance in the context of the organisation. In most of the organisation the control of the decision making would lie in the hands of the senior management and the employees across all hierarchy generally accept this unequal distribution of the power. The concepts of Collectivism as well as Individualism are other important aspects of the theory put forward by Hofstede. Most of the organisations have factions in the internal environment and the people involved form either a part of the group or may stand for themselves in the entire decision making process (Schein, 1992, pp. 45-64). The organisations may also have varying tolerance level for uncertainty as well as avoidance. Some of the conservative organisations prefer to remain safe by taking the more certain pathways as they are risk averse. On the other hand many other organisations may be willing to accept this kind of situations and take up risky ventures. The studies conducted by Hofstede also reveal that the organisations may be either masculine or feminine depending upon the kind of culture that it exhibits. While the masculine organisations would display the features like ambition, competitiveness, power as well as assertiveness, the feminine organisations would rely more on the proper management of the relationships
Monday, October 28, 2019
Software for my customers system Essay Example for Free
Software for my customers system Essay Asynchronous Notification, which speeds up performance and increases the battery life of a CD-Rom. Ã It has Click Connect, which ensures that it does not come loose from the motherboard. Ã Hot Plug, allowing the user to add and remove SATA drives on-the-fly without taking the system down. Ã Link Power Management, which helps to conserve power. Cheaper. However, the cons of choosing it are: Arent capable of working for long hours. Ã Not very reliable. 2. On the other hand, Bob could choose a SAS Hard Disk Drive. The pros of choosing it are: Ã Has high speed data transfer. Ã Cost effective. Ã Reliable. Fast Running Speed. Ã SAS has tagged command queuing. SAS has higher signalling voltages. The cons of it though are: Ã Noise levels can rise. Small memory. Ã Expensive. I would advise Bob to choose SAS as his business is only small, but he does need to have a fast computer, to be able to keep the customers happy. Software Software that is required As for what system Bob is going to use, I am going to advise him to use Windows Vista. It is far better than Windows XP SP3. It is much better performance wise, has a highly praised security system and has better enhancements to the user interface. In Vista, the search is much improved and better. Also, the 3D graphics are great and is much faster starting up and shutting down. Therefore, I would advise Bob to choose Windows Vista, as it is better in quality. As for what programme Bob is going to use there are two options; he can either use Excel or QuattroPro. For very simple reasons I think he should have decided to use Excel. This is because I actually dont have access to QuattroPro. In addition to this, Excel is compatible with the operating system, as both are made by Microsoft. But, the problem with QuattroPro is that this software is not widely used. In addition to this, I am not experienced with QuattroPro. So, if I would have to use QuattroPro I would need to get training. This can be very time consuming and costly. SO, in conclusion, I am going to use Windows Excel, as I find it to be easier to use as I have past experience with it. Moreover, Windows Excel has many features that will be beneficial to the business. One feature is the use of formulas. The use of formulas within Excel is very essential. It allows calculations to be done with apparent ease. In addition to this, the formulas in Excel automatically update results if the values are changed. This will highly reduce the chances of mistakes and will make the system more reliable. Windows Excel also has the Mail Merge feature. This feature is useful as it allows the user to create reports and hand outs for the company. Also, this feature is quite important as it allows the user to create receipts and invoices from a word template. Conditional formatting is also a very useful feature in Excel. You could programme the system to alert you when certain conditions have been met. An example of where this is very useful is when you can set it to alert the user when the budget has been used up or has been exceeded. Another feature that is highly incorporated into Excel is the use of Graphs. They give a visual representation of data. This will make it easier to see how the business is performing, which areas need improving, help forecast profits and whether or not the business is financially viable. Another feature that will help the business is Macros. The use of macros will help the user to perform commands very easily and there is no need to input commands manually. Therefore, I am going to advise Bob to choose Windows Excel as not only am I more experienced with it I also find it to be highly useful.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Vietnam War - Social Movements :: Vietnam Conflict
The Vietnam War (1965-1975)was fought between the North and South Vietnam. The North was called Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the South was the Republic of Vietnam which was supported by the United States. On August 2nd, 1964 the USS Maddox was on a secret intelligent mission on the North Vietnamese coast where in the Gulf on Tonkin they were attacked by torpedo boats. The USS Turner Joy was attacked in the same area two days later. Due to the second attack Congress declared the Gulf of Tonkin resolution which led to air strikes.In 1959 there were 5,000 guerilla fighters and in 1964 the numbers jumped to 100,000. At Pleiku on March, 1965 U.S Marine barracks were attacked causing the three stage escalation bombing of North Vietnam to begin. The 3 year lasting bombing was used to force North Vietnam to stop supporting the "National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam" by destroying their industrial infrastructure and Vietnam's air defenses. Unfortunately this did not stop th e North's support for the NLF. The U.S. Air Force bases were constantly being attacked so the U.S. on March 8, 1965 the 3,500 U.S. Marines was deployed to South Vietnam. At this point in time, the U.S. public supported the dispatch because the Vietnam War had been portrayed to the American people as a war against the spread of Communism. Johnson was president at the time and he kept adding more and more troops as the war went on. As the draft quotas increased, the American public protests started. When Nixon came into presidency his policy towards the Vietnam War was "peace with honor" in other words he wanted to widen the war. After more bombing and fighting, on January 27, 1973 the Paris Peace Accords was signed, restoring peace in Vietnam and U.S. forces pulled out. Nixon stopped all American attacks on Vietnam. The condensed summary of the Vietnam War is to see what presidents were involved in this war (Johnson, and Nixon) and what foreign policies were taken towards Vietnam mos tly before the protests began. Social movements have been a huge influence in shaping U.S. foreign policy. I would like to focus on the Vietnam War and how social protests changed its route. The constant and organized protests done by the American people is definitely a factor that pushed Nixon to take the American troops out of Vietnam, when those weren't his intentions when he was elected for president.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The United States Hypocrisy
The United States hypocrisy is evident when the ââ¬Å"land of the free and home of the braveâ⬠came at the cost of Native American cultural genocide and near physical destruction. The term genocide was first used by Polish Journalists Raphael Lenin in his book ââ¬Å"Axis Rule in Occupied Europe.â⬠which was published in 1944. Lenkin defined genocide as the intentional mass killing of members of a nation and/or executing acts with the intention of destroying the basic foundations of life, aiming to destroy the group as a whole. The term ââ¬Å"basic foundations of lifeâ⬠refer to the culture, language, religion, established public and social institutions, liberty and personal safety, health and dignity. After coining the term, Linken petitioned the United Nations to criminalize genocide, which they did in 1948. The United Nations coined their own term. Defining genocide as the intentional killing of or causing serious physical or mental harm to members of a group, deliberately inflicting life conditions calculated to bring physical destruction to a group, preventing births and transferring children forcibly from one group or another. Both definitions are broad, but the use of ââ¬Å"intentionâ⬠has lead to controversy regarding Native Americans and the atrocities committed by the United States and their government. Whether the U.S intentionally slaughtered Natives with the intention of extermination is of great controversy. Simply because there was no official decree passed by Congress calling for their demise. However, the US demonstrated genocidal mentality on multiple occasions that resulted in the massacre of hundreds of indigenous people. This mentality was exhibited by Secretary of War, Henry Knox in 1790 when he ordered the US army to ââ¬Å"extirpate, utterly, if possible,â⬠a group of natives refusing to cede their land in Ohio. President Jefferson also demonstrated the same mentality a few years later when faced with the altercations with different Indians. ââ¬Å"If we are ever constrained to lifting the hatchet against any tribe, we will never lay it down till that tribe is exterminated or driven beyond Mississippi.â⬠Later adding ââ¬Å"They will kill some of us, we will kill all of them.â⬠Both the Secretary of State and President of the US made it perfectly clear extermination was the only option when Natives refused to give their land. But this was not the first case of a president exhibiting such intolerant views. In 1799 the US declared war on the Haudenosaunee tribe for raids that had set back colonial settlement. ââ¬Å"The objective of this war was ââ¬Å"the total destruction and devastation of their settlements. â⬠ââ¬â George Washington. In this war, the US directly murdered 200 natives (Natives). When the topic of settlers and native American interactions arise, the common legend of Smallpox infested blankets being distributed to Natives by the settlers is widely debatable due to lack of hard evidence. Some argue it never happened, but on June 23rd, 1763 Captain William Trent wrote in his journal ââ¬Å"We gave them two blankets and a handkerchief out if the Smallpox hospitalâ⬠¦ I hope it will have its desired effects. â⬠As a result, 60-80 Native died of Smallpox (Smallpox). It is clear that from the early years' colonial settlement that the high ranking US officials possessed a genocidal mentality regarding the indigenous people who resided there first. On May 28th, 1830 Congress passed the Indian removal act. This policy, was vigorously promoted by Andrew Jackson, provided the opportunity for the US to negotiate with the natives for their land with the promise of compensation. Instead of buying the land, The US used brute force to obtain it. The five ââ¬Å"civilized tribes', Chickasaw, Choctaw, Seminole, creek, and Cherokee initially refused to negotiate. Many members of these tribes were trying to assimilate into American society. In 1835 self-appointed representatives from the Cherokee tribe drafted the Treaty of Echota. The treaty proposed trading of all Cherokee lands East of Mississippi River for five million dollars along with relocation assistance and compensation for lost property. The federal government agreed to these terms but most of the Cherokee felt betrayed. BY 1838 only two thousand had left for the reservation (Native), in response the government appointed General Winfield Scott and seven thousand other soldiers to handle the altercation. Their method of peace was to remove the natives and loot their homes. Afterwards, they forced the Natives to march 1200+ miles west, During this excruciating journey, they were not given food water or supplies. Over five thousand died from starvation, malnutrition and several flue epidemics including Whooping Cough, Typhus, Dysentery and Cholera. This journey was known as the Trail of Tears, and twenty-five per cent of these tribes died. Despite relocating the Native Americans and seizing land, the US still possessed presenting feelings towards natives. In the 1850s California Gold Rush natives were still being persecuted against and then enslaved. Should they not comply with treaties colonists would ââ¬Å"make war..which must of necessity be one of extermination to many of the tribes.â⬠stated by Californian Governor John McDougal in 1851 (Natives). A prime example of Native enslavement was exhibited on John Sutter's private mill, where gold was discovered. Sutter was one of the most influential landowners at the time, enslaving hundred of natives who resided on his property and controlling them with fear. The Natives were used for labour and as a makeshift militia to protect Sutter's 50,000 acres and trading centre. Sutter treated the native people horrendously. He was friendly at first but began to interfere with tribe customs and marriages. A former employee, Heinrich Lienhard accused Sutter of forming a Harlem and molesting young native girls. HIs method of control was fear. He was not hesitant to whip or kill noncompliant natives. Visitors noted ââ¬Å"Sutter keeps 600-800 Indians in a complete stage of slaveryâ⬠, feeding them leftover bread wheat from troughs while they slept in locked rooms without furniture. (Jeffery). The use of Native labour during the gold rush was common, even more so was the sale of indigenous people between farmers. Enslavement was a popular form of oppression during the gold rush, but it was not the only ordeal Native Americans faced. One particularly revolting act was Californian Governor John B Wells rendering funding for the Eel River Rangers. The Eel River Rangers was a group of twenty or so white men who hunted down and slaughtered Indigenous women and children. (Natives )The State government of California provided finances needed to take the lives of innocent women and children. Of course when discussing homicidal acts perpetrated by the United States one cannot forget the Indian Wars. The Indian Wars were U.S army campaigns that targeted smaller groups of tribes to send a message to the rest of the population. The U.S army intentionally slaughtered hundreds of Natives on three separate occasions. The first massacre occurred near Preston, ID in 1863. Named the Bear River massacre an estimated 384 Shoshone Indians were open fired on. The second massacre occurred January 28th,1870. Two hundred natives, mostly women and children, were murdered. The issue pertaining to their deaths was the altercation between Malcolm Clarke and Owl child when Clarke accused Owl Child of stealing his horses and whipping him brutally as a punishment. After the whipping, Owl Child gathered several allies and they murdered Clarke, fleeing afterwards. This issue led to a massive outcry and the federal government appointed Major Eugene Baker to retaliate. When looking for Owl Child and his allies, baker and his men came across a band of peaceful Indians. The band consisted of women, children and elderly men. When informed this was the wrong tribe Baker replied: ââ¬Å"That makes no difference, one band or another, they are all Piegans (Blackfeet) and we will attack them.â⬠On that day 37 men, 90 women and 50 defensless children were open fired on. Additionally, Baker captured 140 woman and children as prisoners. But when finding that the majority were infected with smallpox he abandoned them with no food or other supplies (Olster). Baker was clearly more focused on seeking revenge than bringing justice to the guilty. He was not concerned with what was right or wrong. He deliberately massacred defenceless people, knowing their innocence, because he despised natives. This genocidal mentality proceeded by Owl Child's cries resulted in their demise. As revolting as Baker's actions were, they were still considered mediocre to the Wounded Knee Massacre. On December 15, 1890, colonists attempted to arrest Cheif Sitting-Bull. A fight erupted and Cheif Spotted elk led the band of natives to the Pine Ridge Reservation. On December 28th natives encountered a US cavalry that escorted them to Wounded Knee Creek. After being disarmed the natives commenced a ââ¬Å"Ghost Danceâ⬠, a ceremonial dance that they believed would protect them from the American's bullets. This agitated the US cavalry. Attempting to stop the natives resulted in a scuffle in which more than 60 women were killed. US cavalry suffered casualties of 31 dead, 333 wounded out of 500. (Olser). These massacres were messages to the larger population. Attempts to disrupt and destroy smaller members of a nation to cripple or at least communicate the homicidal intentions that would be met with further resistance or retaliation. The massacres exhibited the immense hatred the colonists possessed by slaughtering innocents as reparations for the guilty. In all cases, natives were disarmed, defenceless and completely innocent of violence against colonists. By attacking communities instead of armies the US army demonstrated intentions of destroying basic foundations fo life within the nation. When examining Native American oppression and the US government it is crucial to note the direct action US Congress took against the indigenous people. In this case, the United States established Native Americans on conditions precalculated to result in their deaths. On November 29th,1864 Cheif Black Kettle and Cheif Niwot led their band to Fort Lyon in compliance with provisions of a peace treaty established earlier that year in September. The Chiefs and their people were asked to relocate with the threat of their safety. To demonstrate friendliness to any Americans they may encounter the Natives hung a large American flag and a smaller white flag beneath it. John Chivington led the attack against the natives. Claiming ââ¬Å"They were of the same tribes with those who had murdered many persons and destroyed valuable property on the Platt and Arkansas Rivers.â⬠(Olster). Estimated casualties in this massacre vary, Chivington claimed ââ¬Å"500 -600 warriors were killed.â⬠But John S.Smith, an eyewitness general under Chivington's command estimates 135 deaths, 105 being woman and children. Smith also accounted for the scalping of women and infants and further mutilation fo the deceased. The Cheyennes lost many women and children. Chiefs White Antelope, Yellow Wolf, Big Man, and a number of others, many who advocated for peace with the colonists, were killed. Chivington had no legitimate reason to believe these natives a threat. They had flown an Amercian Flag and the universal flag for peace yet he still chose to slaughter them. his actions expose the premeditated murder of these people. Chivington had no intention of letting the natives escape, these conditions resulted in the inevitable deaths of innocent indigenous people. From scalping women and infants to completely abolishing their millage and even murdering Smith's ââ¬Å"Hald breed â⬠son Jack, Chivington displayed no compassion. Instead, he demonstrated brute force and barbarism towards natives. Unfortunately, the Sand Creek massacre wasn't the finale occurrence of premeditated lethal conditions. On September 28th,1862 the American Government tried 392 Idginieos prisoners, sentencing 303 to death and giving 16 prison terms. Because this trial was a military trial President Lincoln reviewed the commissioner's findings and found that 303 deaths seemed to genocidal. So he revised the criteria for the death penalty to those who had been convicted of rape, which lowered it to two. This number was still unsatisfactory so the criteria changed to those who had participated in the civilian massacres. December 26th, 1862 39 natives were sentenced to death. 38 were hanged and one was given a reprieve at the last minute. What makes this event so heinous was the conditions in which the trial was executed. The trial was conducted in English, the natives were unrepresented and unfamiliar with court proceedings. Also, the war that prompted these ââ¬Å"war crimesâ⬠occurred in a sovereign state and those men who have surrendered were entitled to treatment of such. The disadvantages of the hearing completely abolished any chance of the natives having a fair trial and the possibility of them being found innocent. By placing them in that biased, tainted courtroom the American Government sealed their fate with no chance to defend themselves. The reason for the war? Two years prior to the trial the US failed to meet treaty obligations. In retaliation, Dakota warriors raided stole food and killed five settlers. After the sentencing and executions, it was found that two natives had been hung by mistake and a letter written by Cheif Wabasha stated the Americans had promised no innocent natives would be punished if they followed the advice of General Sibley (Trials). The Us clearly deceived the Natives, placing them in a premeditated, biased courtroom with less than fair trial conditions that would ultimately result in their deaths. In 1887, the American Government passed the Dawes Act. A policy that aimed to ââ¬Å"safely guide natives from the night of barbarism to the fair dawn of Christian civilization.â⬠Assimilation consisted of natives converting to Christianity, learning and speaking English, wearing western clothes and hairstyles, and living a typical American lifestyle. The act also stated that Indian Reservations were to be distributed to individuals and that land could not be sold for 25 years, land left over from distribution could be sold to outsiders. This allowed native land to be purchased by Americans as if Americans didn't have enough already. And it doesn't stop there. In 1930 the Supreme Court ruled that Congress could disperse native land without Indian consent. And in 1924 The Citizenship act was passed. This Act granted citizenship to all Native Americans. Unfortunately, the desired effects were not seen as natives were forced to send their children to boarding schools for their education. In these schools children are often taught false information and censorship reigns supreme. Other nasty consequences of this act were the denial of rights to vote and extreme poverty. Most Indigenous people residing in inadequate housing with limited healthcare. While the United States failed in completely exterminating all Native Americans, no one can deny they had the mentality to do so. And this mentality, combined with artillery support led to the demise of hundreds of Natives. But even the slaughter of their people wants enough. Not only did we take their lives and their land, but we also stole their culture. Demanding them to replace their customs with our own or face death and discrimination. The United States failed in physical genocide but was successful in the demise of a cultural genocide.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
David Chicago, special thanks for believing in this project from the start to this far. Cannot forget my second supervisor, Mr.. Sammie. You have been a great role model to me throughout my course. Thank you for your support. I bestow your guidance and encouragement above and beyond the call of duty. I'm indebted to my family for all their support. May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you, my love to all of you in Christ Jesus, Amen. Very special thanks also to all my classmates and my friends Pascal, Antonym and Denis for expert advice and ââ¬Ëthe cold hard truth' over the project idea.Abstract The way notices are being communicated in various organizations is turning digital as opposed to the traditional method of sticking posters all-over. This is implemented best with the use of the thriving mobile technology where authorized people can receive notices in their mobile phones via Short Message Service (SMS), email or notifications on their social network accounts. However, a great number of organizations have not yet realized this application of technology and are still working on traditional platforms such as posters, messengers etc.This is largely because of lack of a platform that meets the needs of both organizations as well as individuals with regard to communication of notices. Also, in most of these organizations, the notice board system(s) has had various problems such as: congestion of outdated information such that one cannot locate useful information easily; some notices are plucked down/removed before every intended person has had a chance to read them etc.This project aims at offering a solution to overcome the current desperate approaches through developing an electronic notice board system to help organizations such as Mom university communicate their notices effectively. The distinctive features of the end-system will convey the deployment of CIT and its implications within organizations such as Mom University. The following, among othe r objectives were adopted for the reject: analyze the current notice board system(s), identify the challenges in communication of notices, and develop SMS, email, and later social networks- driven, highly customizable e-notice board platform for mass use.The project was significant to Mom University, other organizations and the general public, because based on literature review, only a few organizations in the world such as Distillates of Nigeria and Firepower Ministries International (FM) in the Northeast of America; have implemented this technology in regard to communication of notices. Research was based on a case study in Mom University Main Campus (MUMS), School of Information Sciences. This case study has been chosen because within MUMS, all schools, clubs and other groups of people use posters or banners in order to communicate notices to their members.The study will target around 50 respondents of which a sample size of 15 was included in the study. Simple random sampling an d judgmental strategy methods were used; Main tools of data collection included interviews questionnaires and observations. The selection of these tools are preferred because they will guide the nature of data to be collected, mime availability as well as guiding the objectives of the study. Data collected was examined, categorized and tabulated into various frequency tables and percentages to help in the analysis of information. REPORT Make up is normally used by women but also it can be used by men as well. Of course, this applies to different ââ¬Ëpolicies' that every country has. Culture, civilization, tradition, customs and religion, to name just a few. For instance, men in countries like Greece do not tend to wear make up, unlike other countries in which the male population is more open-minded and cultured. France and Italy are examples of countries in which men usually wear make up. Beauty is a personal issue and subject to different tastes. However, every man yearns seduction, passion, romance, beauty and love.For this reason, here must be a high-end make up product that will be used only from men. Market presents a lack nowadays in high end products that apply to the beauty of men and this result in the launch of a prestigious new make up devoted to the male population Fashion industry is one of the most interesting ones. Fashion houses come always with extravagant and attractive ideas in order to lure co nsumers. One of the most luxurious and best selling products that nearly every fashion house has to display is the make up.Make up is used mostly by women, but not anymore. Channel is going to launch an amazing make up only for men. It will be perfect and for sure a great success story as the first make up used only by men appears to make a huge dream come true for the men around the world. Channel Home is a great make up only for male consumers around the world. Inspired by the passion for freedom of Gabrielle Channel, the Channel Makeup Creation Studio has designed Channel Home, a new spirit of makeup that is simple and flawless at the same time.Free like a breath of fresh air and spontaneous like the perfect getaway. Each man's intuition guides the brush as it sweeps across the face to create a personalized makeup result intensified with each sweep f the brush. Its five luminous and natural shades reveal an amazing make up result. Channel Home is recognized from its ultra-protect ive formula, enriched with cotton flower and white rose plant cells that become one with the skin. It is gentle on all skin types, even the most sensitive.The make up Channel Home is going to include in its beautiful package, the glow make up foundation as well as a natural professional mini kabuki blush that promises exceptional results just like you have your own make up artist on your home. The first Channel Home ever created, reveals the healthy glow of each male ND provides a sensation of lightness, well-being and freshness. The mini kabuki blush is going to be a half-moon powder brush made of 100% natural hair which definitely makes the application look more sublime and give it a professional look as well to the face of the elegant male.Moreover, Channel Home features an iconic Channel compact case that promises that the elegant male population will simply love it. Its big mirror, with a larger inclination angle, and its powder brush make for an easier application. Coco Channe l once said ââ¬ËIn order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different room the others' and this make up is exactly for those men who always try and are at the top of the world and who always seek new ways of impressing people and themselves as well. It is for those who take it for granted that real beauty comes from inside and derives from a very special individuality.Channel Home is going to be in a beautiful package seducing every male and tempting him from the first minute with its immaculate package. This package is going to have at the top of it, the logo of Coco Channel, a fashion house that knows better than anyone else what elegance and free style mean, due to the agenda Of its founder Gabrielle Channel. As the other products of Coco Channel that are globally being sold, Channel Home make up will be put in a gorgeous white bag with black letters that will write the fashion house's name with capital letters.Channel Home foundation will be oval in shape, with the logo at the top and also the mini kabuki blush will bring the logo of the fashion house at the top and the name of the make up at its bottom. Packaging of all the make up products Channel Home will take place in France and they will be made there as well. Channel Home will be an exclusive product for hoses few around the world. Such exclusivity leads to a price that brings the number of two hundred Euros . If course this price might differ from a country to another one and it might be subject of different taxes and VAT that apply to the products.As it concerns the locations that the demanding men will be able to find the ultra and brand new Channel make up, they can be found on the boutiques of Channel around the globe in big cities, renowned resorts and fashion capitals. Manhattan, London, Paris, Milan, Rome, Churchgoer 1 850 and many more. Moreover, it will be offered the possibility f distribution of the product to the place of their customers' choice. More specifically, men will be a ble to order this magnificent foundation either from the official website of Channel or by contacting the most convenient to them, store in order to arrange a delivery at their home.That, surely promises more orders of the make up and gives the possibility to its customers to have their foundation arrived at their easiness and comfort to their place. Channel is a fashion house synonymous of luxury and style. The new Channel Home make up is going to be promoted through seductive and beautiful immemorial. Those commercials will be viewed at the television and Of course through the official website of the house. The advertisement campaign will include a new fresh man beautiful and elegant that will demonstrate the product.The plot of the campaign is going to include a man that its character is always to defy the normal nature; he is incomparable and invariably seeks new ways of transforming himself in someone better and even more unique. He is falling in love with a photographer, with whom they meet under a hot romantic late evening in Proportion, the most picturesque place in Italy. They meet at Splendid Hotel, and they share passionate moments and till the times goes by, the photographer suggests to his new lover to follow him to the beach. They kiss under the moon, and the moon says ââ¬ËCHANNEL FOREVER'.Then they make a stroll down the amazingly gorgeous piazza at midnight. The kiss again in a more passionate way outside of the Channel boutique. The clock says that it is twelve o'clock when the street is becoming wider and wider when millions of men show up with the new Channel Home make up in their hands. The advertisement will close with a panoramic view of Proportion as seductive as it can be at midnight while the ocular men will take a bath nude at the rocky beach at night in a very provocative way kissing each other's bodies.The advertisement will be very provocative and sensual at the same time.. Other promotional activities will include hiring the be st actors and actresses in order to display the new foundation yet at the most provocative and beautiful at the same time way. The locations that the campaign will take place, are Cannes, Staten Cap Ferret Proportion and Paris during a hot August evening. Addressing the issue of competition, fashion houses are renowned from its customers around the world for their make up.For example the Parisian fashion house of Christian Dior haste launched a new foundation, very luxurious and with the most immaculate look than it has ever before proposed. Of course, this powder can be used both from women and men for sheer professional look just like feeling the catcalling spirit. Another example responds to La Prairie, which is getting ready to launch also a new make up that will be made of the finest ingredients that make it perfect and smooth. However, Channel Home is the first make up only for men. That means that is convenient, fresh, easy-to- wear and suitable for all type of skins of men. Report David Chicago, special thanks for believing in this project from the start to this far. Cannot forget my second supervisor, Mr.. Sammie. You have been a great role model to me throughout my course. Thank you for your support. I bestow your guidance and encouragement above and beyond the call of duty. I'm indebted to my family for all their support. May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you, my love to all of you in Christ Jesus, Amen. Very special thanks also to all my classmates and my friends Pascal, Antonym and Denis for expert advice and ââ¬Ëthe cold hard truth' over the project idea.Abstract The way notices are being communicated in various organizations is turning digital as opposed to the traditional method of sticking posters all-over. This is implemented best with the use of the thriving mobile technology where authorized people can receive notices in their mobile phones via Short Message Service (SMS), email or notifications on their social network accounts. However, a great number of organizations have not yet realized this application of technology and are still working on traditional platforms such as posters, messengers etc.This is largely because of lack of a platform that meets the needs of both organizations as well as individuals with regard to communication of notices. Also, in most of these organizations, the notice board system(s) has had various problems such as: congestion of outdated information such that one cannot locate useful information easily; some notices are plucked down/removed before every intended person has had a chance to read them etc.This project aims at offering a solution to overcome the current desperate approaches through developing an electronic notice board system to help organizations such as Mom university communicate their notices effectively. The distinctive features of the end-system will convey the deployment of CIT and its implications within organizations such as Mom University. The following, among othe r objectives were adopted for the reject: analyze the current notice board system(s), identify the challenges in communication of notices, and develop SMS, email, and later social networks- driven, highly customizable e-notice board platform for mass use.The project was significant to Mom University, other organizations and the general public, because based on literature review, only a few organizations in the world such as Distillates of Nigeria and Firepower Ministries International (FM) in the Northeast of America; have implemented this technology in regard to communication of notices. Research was based on a case study in Mom University Main Campus (MUMS), School of Information Sciences. This case study has been chosen because within MUMS, all schools, clubs and other groups of people use posters or banners in order to communicate notices to their members.The study will target around 50 respondents of which a sample size of 15 was included in the study. Simple random sampling an d judgmental strategy methods were used; Main tools of data collection included interviews questionnaires and observations. The selection of these tools are preferred because they will guide the nature of data to be collected, mime availability as well as guiding the objectives of the study. Data collected was examined, categorized and tabulated into various frequency tables and percentages to help in the analysis of information.
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