Thursday, August 27, 2020

How to Make Fitzroys Storm Glass

Step by step instructions to Make Fitzroys Storm Glass Chief naval officer Fitzroy (1805-1865), as leader of HMS Beagle, took an interest in the Darwin Expedition from 1834-1836. Notwithstanding his maritime vocation, Fitzroy accomplished pioneer work in the field of meteorology. The Beagles instrumentation for the Darwin Expedition incorporated a few chronometers just as gauges, which Fitzroy utilized for climate determining. The Darwin Expedition likewise was the primary journey under cruising orders that the Beaufort wind scaleâ was utilized for wind perceptions. Tempest Glass Weather Barometer One sort of gauge utilized by Fitzroy was a tempest glass. Watching the fluid in the tempest glass should demonstrate changes in the climate. On the off chance that the fluid in the glass was clear, the climate would be brilliant and clear. In the event that the fluid was overcast, the climate would be shady too, maybe with precipitation. In the event that there were little spots in the fluid, moist or foggy climate could be normal. An overcast glass with little stars showed tempests. On the off chance that the fluid contained little stars on radiant winter days, at that point snow was coming. On the off chance that there were enormous drops all through the fluid, it would be cloudy in calm seasons or blanketed in the winter. Precious stones at the base demonstrated ice. Strings close to the top implied it would be breezy. Italian mathematician/physicist Evangelista Torricelli, an understudy of Galileo, developed the gauge in 1643. Torricelli utilized a section of water in a cylinder 34 ft (10.4 m) long. Tempest glasses accessible today are less bulky and effectively mounted on a divider. Make Your Own Storm Glass Here are directions for developing a tempest glass, depicted by Pete Borrows in light of an inquiry posted on, ascribed to a letter distributed in the June 1997 School Science Review. Elements for Storm Glass: 2.5g potassium nitrate2.5g ammonium chloride33 mL refined water40 mL ethanol10g camphor Note that man-made camphor, while extremely unadulterated, contains borneol as a side-effect of the assembling procedure. Engineered camphor doesnt fill in just as normal camphor, maybe due to the borneol. Disintegrate the potassium nitrate and ammonium chloride in the water; include the ethanol; include the camphor. It is encouraged to break down the nitrate and ammonium chloride in the water, at that point blend the camphor in the ethanol.Next, gradually mixâ the two solutionsâ together. Including the nitrate and ammonium answer for the ethanol arrangement works best. It additionally assists with warming the answer for guarantee total mixing.Place the arrangement in stopped test tube. Another technique is to seal the blend in little glass tubes as opposed to utilizing a plug. To do this, utilization a fire or other high warmth to pleat and liquefy the highest point of a glass vial. Regardless of what technique is chosen to develop a tempest glass, consistently utilize legitimate consideration in taking care of synthetic substances. How Storm Glass Functions The reason of the working of the tempest glass is that temperature and weight influence dissolvability, in some cases bringing about clear fluid; different occasions making precipitants structure. The working of this kind of tempest glass isn't completely comprehended. In comparative indicators, the fluid level, for the most part brilliantly shaded, goes up or down a cylinder in light of barometrical weight. Surely, temperature influences dissolvability, however fixed glasses are not presented to the weight changes that would represent a great part of the watched conduct. A few people have suggested that surface collaborations between the glass mass of the indicator and the fluid substance represent the precious stones. Clarifications here and there incorporate impacts of power or quantum burrowing over the glass.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Physics of Swimming Essay -- physics swim swimming

The investigation of material science and liquid elements in swimming has been a field of expanding enthusiasm for concentrate in the previous hardly any decades among swimming trainers and devotees. In spite of the long history of research, the comprehension of how to move the human body successfully through the water is still in its earliest stages. Serious swimmers and their mentors of all levels are continually taking a stab at approaches to improve their stroke procedure and generally execution. The examination and exhibitions of the present swimmers are ceaselessly discrediting the convictions of the past. Like in all games, a superior comprehension of material science is empowering the world class swimmers to achieve times at no other time thought conceivable. This was shown on the most stupendous of scales in the 2000 Olympics when Ian Thorpe, Inge De Bruijn, Pieter Van Den Hoogenband and various different swimmers broke a sum of twelve world records and various Olympic and n ational records. A few powers assume critical jobs in the development of the human body through the water. The powers are drag, lift, gravity and lightness. Lift and drag are the fundamental propulsive powers that are utilized by swimmers. Opposition, known as drag, can be broken into three fundamental classes: frontal obstruction, skin erosion, and swirl opposition. The impact of lightness in swimming is best portrayed by Archimedes’ rule: a body completely or incompletely lowered in a liquid is lightened by a power equivalent to the heaviness of the liquid that is uprooted by the body.1 This successfully invalidates any impacts that gravity may have on a swimmer. The uncommon special case to this is a swimmer with almost no muscle versus fat, and this is overwhelmed by keeping the lungs expanded in a specific way consistently. Frontal... ...s, yet through her extraordinary regiment of aerobic exercise she was as of late ready to win two Olympic gold decorations. A chosen few swimmers go past force and vitality and use capacity to its fullest and have no opposition, as Ian Thorpe or the once extraordinary Alex Popov. Works Cited 1 David Halliday, Robert Resnick, and Jearl Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, Extended, fifth ed. (NewYork:Wiley, 1997) 361 2 Cecil M. Colwin, Swimming Into the 21st Century, (Champaign: Human Kinetics, 1992) 20-32, 58-59 3 James E. Counsilman and Brian E. Counsilman, The New Science of Swimming, (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1994) 6-7 4 James E. Counsilman and Brian E. Counsilman, The New Science of Swimming, (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1994) 10-22 5 Robert E. Schleihauf, A biomechanical investigation of free-form. Swimming Technique, 1974, 11(3), 89-96

Friday, August 21, 2020

Professional diploma translation service at affordable rates

Professional diploma translation service at affordable rates Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Professional diploma translation service at affordable ratesUpdated On 07/02/2019Author : Ram kumarTopic : BusinessShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogThere are two basic types of documents that everyone has: the ones that identify them and the others that list their achievements. Some of the identity documents like a birth certificate are something you get without any trouble. You come into this world, and you will get a birth certificate. Other identification like your driver’s license is something you will get after learning something (how to drive in the case of a driver’s license). Other identity cards you get after reaching a certain age.The second kind of documents that list your qualifications and achievements are the ones that can get you somewhere. These documents prove that you have acquired a certain level of education. T hese documents also include diplomas and certificates you obtained. Although the documents that show your identity can get you into different countries, it is with the documents that list your qualification that you can make your place in that country.Many people underestimate the importance of diplomas. But a diploma shows that you wanted to learn more and that shows your commitment to hard work. Diplomas look good on a job application. A resume that only has degrees can also leave a good impression, but if you show people that you are not afraid to go the extra mile, then that will have a special effect on them. Diploma TranslationThere are mainly two reasons why you might need a diploma translation. If you are applying to a foreign university for higher education then you will have to send them all of your documents; that includes your degrees and diplomas. If your country’s official language is not the same as that of the country where you want to go for studying, then you wil l need translations of all your documents.READBeat Your Fashion Rivals Through Digital CampaignsIf you are applying for a job in a foreign country, then they will ask for your documents. You will have to send your resume and all your documents. If there is a language difference, then you will have to get your documents translated, or the company where you are applying won’t be able to understand what your diploma or school degree is saying. Professional Diploma Translation ServiceWhen you are submitting diploma translation to a foreign office or university, you have to make sure that it is an accurate translation. The only way to ensure the accuracy of the translation is by hiring a professional diploma translation service provider. Whether they are an independent translator or working with a translation agency, they have to be the best. If your diploma translation isn’t professional and was completed by your bilingual friend, then it will leave a negative impact on everyone who views your application.But when looking for professional translators, don’t fall prey to those who offer high-quality translation at high rates. Professional diploma translation service is available at affordable rates, and there is no reason why you should be paying more than necessary. Get in touch with UTS today for professional diploma translation service at affordable rates.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Framers Of The Constitution - 2168 Words

Civics and Citizenship The Framers of the Constitution looked to history for examples of governments that directly represented the people. Early Romans wanted to create a lasting republic, a government in which citizens rule themselves through elected representatives. A republic is a government in which citizens rule themselves through elected representatives. Americans liked the roman form of government but also knew that eventually the Roman republic became a dictatorship, a government in which one person rules with all authority. The Framers wanted to avoid the Roman’s fate. They wanted to create a permanent government where the informed citizens ran their own government. Another historic document the Founders looked to was the Magna Carta. In 1215, many of the landowning gentry of England rebelled against the unpopular King John. In order to help restore peace the rebels forced the king to sign the Magna Carta. It placed limits on the power of the English king and made Parliament the ruling body in England. The English Bill of Rights (1689) was another document the Framers looked to. It gave the citizens of England certain rights such as freedom of speech and separation of powers. John Locke published â€Å"Two Treatise [essays] of Government† in 1689. In these tow documents Locke proposed that every person had the rights of life, liberty and property. The government cannot take these unalienable rights away unless they have a reason. Locke also stated that theShow MoreRelatedFramers of the Constitution1047 Words   |  5 PagesThe Framers of the Constitution and the Republicanism The constitution is the supreme law of the land. Even though it is the supreme law of the land, it is not well defined; it isn’t specific on multiple areas. Because of that, the constitution has been misjudged and miss interpreted in the past. However, there are certain parts were the Constitution is specific. It is partially specific on elements of the Constitution that embodies the republican principle of limited government, the three institutionsRead MoreThe Framers Of The Constitution Essay1797 Words   |  8 Pagesthan their European counterparts, that reputation of freedom of speech is in doubt. Students and faculty are increasingly resentful towards anyone they deem to be perpetuating hate speech, a term that has spun wildly out of control. The Framers of the Constitution certainly never wished that their great experiment of a nation would succumb to the suppression of those with unpopular ideas, especially at the places in which children are expected to become adults , and explore new, and often provocativeRead MoreThe Framers Of The Constitution930 Words   |  4 PagesThe framers of the Constitution predetermined that the Congress to be the foremost branch of the government. But not all the powers are enumerated in the Constitution, leaving some roof to the Supreme Court interpretation. Enumerated Powers, are the powers that are listed in the Constitution, which the Congress can hold to. Implied power is the last clause of the Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution. It states that Congress my pass any law that is â€Å"necessary and proper† in order to be able toRead MoreThe Framers Of The Constitution Essay1346 Words   |  6 PagesCertain interests do not change over time in our society. Over 200 years ago, the prominent concern that led to the framing of the Constitution regarded the establishment of a government that was â€Å"for the people and by the people.† The framers of the Constitution, with concern of an over po wering central government in mind, provided a basis for the structure of the federal government of the United States. The powers of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government are laid outRead MoreThe Framers And The Constitution2065 Words   |  9 PagesThe Framers chose federalism because they had already tried confederalism under the Articles of Confederation and had found that it created a central government that was too weak to do what was needed. They also did not go with a unitary system because people did not trust a central government because the people had just become free from a centralized British government that was too oppressive. Also in choosing federalism it prevented against tyranny. The want to split the power of government soRead MoreThe Framers And The Constitution2216 Words   |  9 PagesFirstly, The framers wrote the Constitution with the original intent that the philosophy of interpreting it would be strict. They wanted to clearly stat e exactly how the government will be set up and how the powers of it will be evenly distributed. If the framers were going to make a document that completes so many great objectives and perfects the flaws of the Articles of Confederation, why would they want the people who read the Constitution to interpret it loosely? Such a philosophy would defeatRead MoreThe Framers Of The Constitution1146 Words   |  5 PagesThe Framers of the Constitution in 1787 believed the people weren’t intelligent enough to choose their own leader. They were concerned how informed their voters would be and decided that the president should be elected indirectly. Thus, the Electoral College was produced. The Electoral College, fundamentally, prohibits civilians from voting directly for the president. How does this work? First, the country holds the popular vote. Every adequate voter in every state gets one vote for the presidentRead MoreThe Framers Of The Constitution1703 Words   |  7 PagesThe framers of the Constitution regarded the right to free speech as a great standard they decided to make free speech the First Amendment. If society is limited to talk openly, one can t safeguard freedom of speech. Can you imagine a scenario in which the rights and everything that is freedom is gone? The right to speak freely gives us the capacity to convey thoughts without government control. The right to speak freely enables a person’s capacity to think and to express thoughts in different methodsRead MoreThe Framers Of The U.s. Constitution Essay1640 Words   |  7 Pagesthem possess greed that is more virtuous than individual greed. The Framers of the U.S. Constitution recognized this abuse of power and were intent to put in place a system that included separation of powers and checks and balances to protect American citizens from tyranny. Although the Constitution does not specifically address term limits on public servants in government leadership, there is evidence tha t some of the Framers understood that the negative effects of power hungry public officialsRead MoreThe Framers Of The U.s. Constitution1713 Words   |  7 Pages In order to understand the motivation of the Framers of the U.S. Constitution one must review the event leading up to it. When the war with Great Britain finally came to a close, the Colonialist of America became weary of what was to come. Many who were well versed in Tomas Hobbes and John Locke feared, without proper action and if not too long delayed, the that states would find themselves in a State of Nature. In time, after it became clear that with the abdication of George III the sovereignty

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Childhood Development And The Parenting Techniques Of This...

In this paper I will be discussing one stage of childhood development and the parenting techniques of this stage. I chose to write about children from age’s birth to 2 years old. I chose this stage because I am in love with watching a child grow right before my eyes and watching the many steps the child takes into becoming a toddler out of the infant years. I am looking forward to using everything that I found in my research to create a good environment for the infants and pre-toddlers that I will be working with. Infants are extremely dependent upon their parents if there is no trust there then the defiance stage will be very hard. At first infants need more help from their parents (Drago, 2009). During the first three months babies do not have any organization and gradually gain more organization (Brooks, 2010). A newborn usually needs at least 18 hours of sleep a day and eats in between that every couple of hours (â€Å"Sleep and Newborns,† n.d.). In my experience the more sleep a newborn gets the better they will act and they are less likely to be really fussy. Do not expect the newborn to sleep through the night and they require more feedings, diaper changes, and so forth (Drago, 2009). Between the first six and twelve months babies start to sleep longer during the night usually between eight and twelve hours. Babies are now more alert during the day, and also discovering the world with their eyes. At first infants live in the now but by eight or nine months theyShow MoreRel atedWhy Is Childhood Development Important?1124 Words   |  5 PagesWhy is childhood development important to understand when it comes to parenting? Parents have one of the biggest roles in ensuring that their children grow well and in a healthier manner from the time they are born until they become adults. It is very necessary for any parent to ensure that they have ample knowledge about all the parenting roles they need to play. It is necessary that a parent understand the stages involved in childhood development because children need to be handled differentlyRead MoreSample Undergraduate Psychology Essay1591 Words   |  7 PagesSAMPLE UNDERGRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY ESSAY NB This is not a perfect essay. It was graded at 60% (A 2.1) and the bibliography is missing! Drawing on Freudian and Attachment Theories assess the Relationship between early years experiences and criminality. Psychological theories have attempted to explain the reasons for and how criminality occurs. The psychoanalytic perspective involves two major theories - Freuds theory of the Sexual Stages of Development and the Theory of Attachment purposed by BowlbyRead MoreDevelopment Of Infancy And Early Childhood1385 Words   |  6 PagesJessica Wilson Development in Infancy and Early Childhood Throughout the course of the human lifespan, the period of most rapid development extends through infancy and early childhood. The early stages of development that occur during this time set the stage upon which further and more specific aspects of development will occur. There are many different external and internal components which influence and guide development during this time. These components include the individual’s family, includingRead MoreChild Development And Childhood Development1564 Words   |  7 PagesChild Development 2 to 5 Years By creating a decent understanding of parenting strategies and childhood development, this will help parents understand and comprehend exactly what to expect and how to provide what their child needs during each developmental stage of their life. All parents can benefit, also those who work with children can benefit greatly by increasing their knowledge, awareness and understanding of overall childhood development. The stage of child development I have chosen to discussRead MoreThe Journey With Emerson s Life848 Words   |  4 Pageswould generally parent when the time comes. At the very end, Emerson reflected on my parenting and said that I was more accepting and warm than the average parent but was also more strict. During my own reflection, I interpreted this as a success. Since the early stages of childhood development, Emerson was a difficult child. He had tantrums, mood swings, and trouble with dealing with his emotions. Despite this hard time he was never diagnosed with a lea rning, social, or developmental disabilityRead MoreChild Abuse Essay1749 Words   |  7 Pagesabused is more likely to grow up into an angry teenager who gets into fights and has other difficulties, which may carry into adulthood to cause more problems (Dalton). Abusive behavior, abusive parents often have experienced abuse during their own childhoods. It is estimated approximately one third of abused and neglected children will eventually victimize their own children (Child Welfare Information Gateway). Victims of abuse can leave many scars from the past to the future and can change their lifeRead MoreFamily Upbringing As A Child And Personality Traits1412 Words   |  6 Pagestheir behaviors. As an adult it may be useful to look back at your upbringing and learn why and how you have developed into the character you are today. This study seeks to explore the connections between family upbringing as a child and personality traits as an adult. How does parental involvement, parenti ng style, family dynamic, and childhood environment relate to a person’s personality? Can connections be made between specific upbringing environments and adult personality traits? There areRead MoreContinuity Vs. Social Development1570 Words   |  7 Pages1) Continuity versus discontinuity: The first debate on whether our development is completely and evenly continuous, or if it is just based on age periods.â€Å"Continuity is the gradual increase in responses and behaviors.† For example, the heights, as well as the weight, show the continuity.† Discontinuity is the occurrence of development in distinct stages. For example, the change of goals during the life duration. 2) Stability versus change: The second debate asks whether our personality traits beingRead MorePsychoanalytic Theory Of Sigmund Freud824 Words   |  4 Pagesthree component parts of the mind: the id, ego, and superego. This theory, known as Freuds structural theory of personality, places great emphasis on the role of unconscious psychological conflicts in shaping behavior and personality. Freud’s views have been criticized for being misogynistic and carrying a sexual overtone and driven by pleasure seeking. Today, I would like to explore into the psychoanalytic theory and conclude, was this the foundation for other theories to build on, or is it onlyRead MorePhysical Development Involves Developing Control Over The Body Essay1130 Words   |  5 Pagesfor breathing and relaxing techniques, so she arrived soon after we arrived. From the time Sky was born she was a curious and active baby. 3-4 There has been a lot of physical development that has taken place from infancy through adolescence with Sky. â€Å"Physical development examining the ways in which the body’s makeup—the brain, nervous system, muscles, and senses and the need for food, drink, and sleep—helps determine behavior† (Feldman, 2013, p. 5). Physical development involves developing control

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organizational Change An Organization - 913 Words

Organizational change is an important matter in all organizations. It is in fact it is a process in which an organization can optimize performance as it aims toward its idyllic state. A change in an organizational happens as a response to a dynamic environment, a reaction to an existing predicament, or is instigated by the manager (Yang Yu, 2009). Moreover, organizational change is particularly evident when an organization has just experienced a transfer of managerial power. Processes of organizational recruitment have to be structured in a way that engages and attracts officials with similar beliefs and values making up the organizational culture. It makes certain that new employees are assimilated to the company and go ahead to strengthen the corporate culture. Organizations should also make sure that they bring into line the corporate culture with systems for performance management. When management systems and culture are not in line, management must readdress them so that the behavior of its employees results in the attainment of organizational goals (Jones, 2004). The positive model, the action research model and Lewin’s change model suggest diverse views of the stages through which transformation occurs in organizations. Lewin’s change model assesses change as a three-step process of unfreezing, moving, and refreezing. It gives an overall depiction of the process of change. The action research model, on the other hand, emphasis on change as a cyclic process linkingShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Change : An Organization1114 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Organizational change is a crucial issue exercised in an organization to increase performance as it works toward its ideal state. Organizational change arises as a reaction to an ever-changing environment, a response to an ongoing difficult situation, or is stimulated by a leader. Organizational change is a survival strategy. If the organization does not maintain the changing technology, consumer demands, and productive business activities, they will lose their competitive area. ForcesRead MoreOrganizational Change : Organization Change1447 Words   |  6 Pages Organization change 1. Introduction With the rapid development of social, they are many increasing uncertainties in the business environment. Organization change aims to the development and improve of organizations, Although the change is not easy to go through, but you must be able to adopt to the new environment. Because a large business environment, organizations constantly face with structural changes, market challenges, and culture shock. When an organization s development throughRead MoreOrganizational Change : An Organization1310 Words   |  6 Pagesdevelopment of social, they are many increasing uncertainties in the business environment. Organization change aims to the development and improve of organizations, Although the change is not easy to go through, but you must be able to adopt to the new environment. Because a large business environment, organizations constantly face with structural changes, market challenges, and culture shock. When an organization s development through different life cycles, just l ike people have to through the successfulRead MoreOrganizational Change : An Organization1766 Words   |  8 PagesMost of the times change is interpreted as an action that makes improvement. Everyone needs change to overcome problems in their environment. Direct implication of change can be applied in organisation as well. Organisation change is one of the keys of a successful growth in organisation. By the definition organisational change is shift from a current state to a new different state with continuous process (Smith, 2005). The purpose of organisational change practice is to improve and develop the organisation’sRead MoreOrganizational Culture And Change : An Organization1288 Words   |  6 PagesOrganizational culture and change Organizational culture is defined as that particular system of shared values, beliefs, and assumptions that happens to govern the way that people behave in a different organization. The shared organizational values happen to have a very strong influence on the employees of a different organization and dictate how they act, perform, dress, and carry out their jobs (Anderson Ackerman-Anderson, 2001). As such, organizational culture happens to be one of the mostRead MoreOrganizational Change Is Significant To An Organization1011 Words   |  5 PagesOrganizational change is significant to an organization as it can change the success of an organization, remove specific job practices or functions, alter policies and procedures, and change the way an organization operates ( Organizational change efforts should improve the performance of an organization as well as the people in the organization (Campbell, 2014). To begin an organizational change, a change agent should understand the culture of organization, which reflects inRead MoreOrganizational Change Management : An Organization1501 Words   |  7 PagesINTRODUCTION Change management is the process of continually renewing an organization’s mission, structure and capabilities to serve the needs of external and internal culture. At the operational and strategic level of continually successful organizations, the change manager should have no doubt about the organization’s ability to identify where to focus energy or how to manage the change required to reach its potential (Palmer, Dunford, Akin, 2009). In regards to the importance of the organizationalRead MoreOrganizational Change : An Effective Organization1337 Words   |  6 Pagesforcing companies to change in order to survive, such as the new technology, new customers’ taste and also new systems of management. Under the dynamic business environment, organizational change becomes one of the essential parts of a business. During different stages of organizational change, various resistances between employers and employees will be created because of different perspective s from both employers and employees. In order to carry out a successful organizational change, developing an effectiveRead MoreOrganizational Culture Change The Organization Culture Essay1413 Words   |  6 Pagestoday’s business world to hear a new CEO, an organizational consultant, a leadership expert—talk about the urgent need to change the organization culture. Often organizations set high aspirations to â€Å"change the culture† but fall short of modifying the way that people feel, behave and get work done. Culture changes rarely manifest into noticeable long term improvements. It is important to note that corporate cultures are slow to evolve and difficult to change, that is not to say that culture cannot beRead MoreOrganizational Change : An Important Part Of An Organization1900 Words   |  8 Pages Introduction: Culture is an important part of an organization. In todays world many companies are expanding their business by opening new plants and franchises in different countries in order to maximize their profit margins and reduce their labor costs. As mentioned by (Lee Lin, 2014) that operating in different locations help companies to gain technological and market information and they can respond to their customers quickly. Opening business in a new country means facing a new culture,

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Phosphates in Water Pollution Essay Example For Students

Phosphates in Water Pollution Essay Phosphates may be created by substituting some or all of the hydrogen of a phosphoric acid by metals. Depending on the number of hydrogen atoms that are replaced, the resulting compound is described as a primary, secondary or tertiary phosphate. Primary and secondary phosphates contain hydrogen and are acid salts. Secondary and tertiary phosphates, with the exception of those of sodium, potassium and ammonium are insoluble in water. Tertiary sodium phosphate is valuable as a detergent and water softener. The primary phosphates tend to be more soluble. Phosphates, which are an important component to metabolism in both plants and animals, help in the first step in oxidation of glucose in the body. Primary calcium phosphate is an ingredient of plant fertilizer. Phosphates have caused increasing attention recently. The focus is on the environmentally harmful effects in household detergents. Wastewater, from laundering agents, contains phosphates, which are said to be a water pollutant. We will write a custom essay on Phosphates in Water Pollution specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Most laundry detergents contain approximately 35% to 75% sodium triphosphate (Na5P3O10), which serves two purposes. Providing an alkaline solution (pH 9.0 to 10.5) is necessary for effective cleansing and also to tie up calcium and magnesium ions found in natural waters and prevent them from interfering with the cleansing role of the detergent. Eutrophication is the progressive over-fertilization of water, in which festering masses of algaes blooms, choking rivers and lakes. Phosphorus compounds act as a fertilizer for all plant life, whether free-floating algae or more substantial rooted weeds, and are implicated in eutrophication. Many countries control phosphate levels, whereas Switzerland has banned the use of phosphates. The marine environment is both fragile and more resistant than the terrestrial ecosystem. It is fragile for the reasons that nutrients are generally present in very low concentrations, permanently consumed by living organisms and pollutants diffuse rapidly.Lakes and rivers are extremely complex ecosystems. Nutrients are taken up by both algae and rooted weeds. The weeds act as a shelter for fish larvae and zooplankton, both of which eat algae and are, in turn, eaten by larger fish. Scientists have concluded that unpolluted lakes can absorb surprisingly large amounts of phosphates without uncertainty. When a fertilizer, such as a phosphate, is added more algae will grow, and consequently will the populations of zooplankton and fish. Difficulties only arise when the lake is already impure. Zooplankton are sensitive to their environment and many substances are toxic to them. If any of these substances, including phosphates, are present the zooplankton population cannot increase. Adding phosphates to this polluted system will case algae growth. The floating masses cut off the light supply. Weeds die and decompose using up dissolved oxygen, and causing sulfurous smells and plagues. Deprived of shelter and food, the fish larvae starve. The lake is well on the way to catastrophe. Without wetlands there would be a minimal amount of fresh drinking water due to the fact that wetlands filter the waters of our lakes, rivers and streams, sequentially reducing contamination of water. The plant growth in wetlands removes phosphates and other plant nutrients washed in from the surrounding soil, consequently restricting the growth of algae and aquatic weeds. This growth is a serious problem in some of Canadas major waterways, where dead and decaying algae deprive the deeper waters of their oxygen. Researches at Lancaster University have studied lakes whose plant and animal life has been killed by acid rain. The excess acid in the lakes can be neutralized easily by adding lime, but this makes the waters rich in calcium. Life will gradually return to the lake but, as these lakes should have low calcium levels, it will not be the same kind of life that existed in lakes before pollution. .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e , .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e .postImageUrl , .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e , .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e:hover , .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e:visited , .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e:active { border:0!important; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e:active , .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u095ce0e3739c9d0b09b6103eabbeb50e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hamlet character analysis for Essay The answer, they have concluded, is to add phosphates. These phosphates work by shielding the water. This depends upon nitrate ions in the lake. Contradictory, these ions also are produced by acid rain, contain oxides of nitrogen from combustion sources. These fertilizers do not alter the pH level of the water. Instead, they stimulate the growth of plants. The plants absorb the dissolved nitrates, generating hydroxide ions, which in return neutralize the excess acid. Removal of phosphates from detergent is not likely to slow algae growth in containing substances. It may actually prove disastrous. Its replacement with borax will definitely be disastrous. Scientists are unsure of borax role in plant growth. It is not required by algae and other micro plants, but it is essential to higher plants. However in excessive quantities, about 5 micrograms of boron per gram of water, boron severely damages plant life. Highly alkaline substances, gel proteins and sodium hydroxide is hazardous substances. Another concern is the fact that each year thousands of children swallow detergents resulting in serious injuries or death. In conclusion, the only way to overcome the disastrous effects of phosphates is to find an alternate. However, an acceptable substitute for phosphates has not yet been found. Washing only with synthetic detergents would require so much detergent that the cost per wash would increase significantly. Another alternative is the substitution of synthetic nonionic detergents for ionic detergents in use. Nonionic detergents are not precipitated by Calcium of Magnesium ions. This would reduce the risk contaminating our lakes and rivers.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Learning He, She, or It in English

Learning He, She, or It in English English grammar states that people are referred to as he or she and that all other objects are referred to as it in the singular or they in the plural. In many languages, such as French, German, Spanish, etc. objects have gender. In other words, things are referred to as he or she. English students quickly learn that all objects are it, and are probably happy because they dont have to learn the gender of each object. I live in a house. Its in the countryside.Look at that window. Its broken.I know thats my book because it has my name on it. He, She or It With Animals When referring to animals we run into a problem. Should we refer to them as he or she? When speaking about animals in English use it. However, when speaking about our pets or domesticated animals, its common to use he or she. Strictly speaking, animals should always take it, but native speakers generally forget this rule when speaking about their own cats, dogs, horses or other domestic animals. My cat is so friendly. Shell say hi to anyone who comes to visit.My dog loves running. When I take him to the beach, he runs for hours and hours.Dont touch my lizard, he bites people he doesnt know! Wild animals, on the other hand, usually take it when spoken about in a general way. Look at the hummingbird. Its so beautiful!That bear looks like its very strong.The zebra in the zoo looks tired. It just stands there all day long. The Use of Anthropomorphism Anthropomorphism - Noun: The attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object. You often hear wild animals referred to as he or she in documentaries. Wildlife documentaries teach about the habits of wild animals and describe their lives in ways humans can understand. This type of language is referred to as an anthropomorphism. Here are some examples: The bull stands his ground challenging anyone to a fight. He surveys the herd looking for a new mate. (bull - male cow)The mare protects her foal. She keeps a look out for any intruder. (mare - female horse / foal - baby horse) Anthropomorphism is also used with some vehicles such as cars and boats. Some people refer to their car as she, while sailors commonly refer to ships as she. This use of she with some cars and boats is probably due to the intimate relationship people have with these objects. Many people spend hours with their cars, while sailors can spend most of their lives aboard ships. They develop a personal relationship with these objects and give them human traits: anthropomorphism. Ive had my car for ten years. Shes part of the family.The ship was launched twenty years ago. Shes sailed around the world.Toms in love with his car. He says shes his soul mate! Nations In formal English, especially in older written publications nations are often referred to with the feminine she. Most people use it in modern times. However, its still quite common to come across the use of she in more formal, academic or sometimes patriotic settings. For example, some patriotic songs in the USA contain feminine references. The use of she, her and hers is common when speaking about a country someone loves. Ah France! Her bountiful culture, welcoming people and amazing cuisine always call me back!Old England. Her strength shines through any test of time.(from Song) ... bless America, land that I love. Stand beside her, and guide her ...

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Changes in the U.S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Changes in the U.S - Essay Example There was further forced migration that constituted the internal slave trade, which carried black people from the Atlantic coast to the American South interior (Horton & Horton, 2005). According to Klein (2010), the initial experience of the group in America constituted mistreatment from the landowners and white Americans. They could be locked in stinking slave ships, and they lost freedom, and they were subjected long years of slavery that followed their stay in the United States. There used to be inhumane acts that caused a lot of suffering to the blacks before they could cope with life in a new environment. Over time, the experience of West Africans in the United States changed, especially with the realization that they needed to liberate themselves. The blacks gained determination to free themselves from dehumanizing circumstances, as they gained confidence that could eventually gain freedom. The American civil war resulted from the continuous efforts of slaves to be free from bondage. The migration of West Africans to the United States during the slave trade had significant impacts on life in the United States. The immigration of this group changed the United States in that it led to economic development, which was fuelled by the presence of cheap labor to work in the farms. Industrial revolution emerged from transatlantic slave trade since the slaves could provide the labor needed in industries. The immigration of West Africans to the United States also led to the rise of slums, which mainly comprised of the poor slaves. In addition, there emerged stratification and discrimination based on gender whereby African Americans could not access the privileges accorded to white Americans (Jalloh & Falola,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The relationship between teenager and their family Essay

The relationship between teenager and their family - Essay Example Data from the NSFG suggest that female adolescents born to intact families face a lower risk of early sexual debut while female adolescents, experiencing parental separation and multiple transitions in family structure have a higher risk of early sexual debut. Moreover, the Hong Kong case study establishes that adolescents with a dysfunction family and a poor family relationship are more likely to hazard to take drugs. Recently, the presence of strained relationships between teenagers and their parents as well as the disintegration within families demeans the influence of parental or family advice on teenagers. This forces teenagers to trust their peers, which coerces them to adopt immoral and unethical behaviors like drug and substance abuse and early sexual intercourse. It is clear that the increase in the strength of youths peer relationships demeans the interaction between teenagers and their families. Notably, cognitive and emotional maturity affects the quality of peer relationships that changes during adolescence. As teenagers seek to assert their individuality and independence, they derive frequent conflict between teens and their parents (Oswalt, 2014). However, as they approach maturity, they develop mature relationships with their parents and their colleagues since they have the capacity to make important decisions about their lives. Indeed, as adolescents approach maturity, they no longer depend on family social support since their colleagues develop the capacity to offer emotional support and comfort and sensible advice (Oswalt, 2014). A three years study by Dr. McGues group assesses the relationship dimensions conflict with parents and perceived warmth of the relationship with parents at age 11 and then again at age 14 (aboutkidshealth, 2010). The study established a decline in the perceived quality of relationships between

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Agile Project Management

Agile Project Management Agile project management has been in use in software projects over the last number of years, but lately it has been incorporated into many different types of projects such as the military, telecommunications and retail. (Scrum Alliance). This paper focuses on using agile project management techniques in the telecoms industry. Jim Highsmith and Gary Chin are two advocates of agile project management, Highsmith (2004) claimed that the agile project management framework which consists of five phases, each with supporting practices. The five phases are Envision, Speculate, Explore, Adapt, and Close. Each of these phases has to be implemented in order otherwise the project will not strictly follow the agile process. Agile proposes to deal with a project in small development cycles; self managed teams, customer collaboration and iterations. It also proposes to have an end product for testing at the end of each iteration, so the customer or end user can see what direction the project is goi ng. Scrum is a project management framework and is ideally suited for projects with high uncertainty. It is used on some of the worlds largest telecommunications development projects such as British Telecom and Siemens because of its high productivity with distributed and outsourced development teams. 2 What is agile project management? Agile project management has been defined as short cycles of product development that deliver incremental updates of the product rapidly based on the changing needs of the customer. This methodology is the opposite of waterfall project management, which values extensive planning and pre-production. (Labine, 2010) The agile approach consists of a number of stages including rapid iterative planning and development cycles allowing a project team to constantly evaluate the project and obtain immediate feedback from users or stakeholders allowing the team to learn from their experiences after each cycle. After the streamlined planning requirements, definition and solution design phase is completed to get the project underway iterations or more detailed planning requirements are created. This allows for immediate modifications of the product as customer views change. Agile project management requires a dedicated full time team including a customer or end users. (Haas, 2007). Agile project management differs to traditional project management in the approach; agile promotes self managed teams with the project manager taking more of a leaders role rather than a managers role. The main priorities of an agile project manager are to gather all the information from stakeholders and integrate a plan, advise the team of estimates, make decisions, build and sustain a teams culture and ensure teams stick to the process, customer relationship, check progress and plans and to communicate the teams progress. (Thomas, 2008) With agile project management both the project team and the stakeholders actively work together to understand and prioritise functionality. The agile project management life cycle can be seen in figure 1. This identifies how the plan, develop, learn and evaluate phases all fit together. Agile management uses an approach with short iterative cycles, they are based on the theory of plan, do, check and act. These cycles happen at different levels, each day, each time box, each release and each project. Agile demands team look at how fast they are progressing and adjust accordingly. Agile management methods are used when the project value is clear and the customer actively participates throughout project. (Thomas, 2008) Figure 1. Agile project management life cycle model Agile management concepts Haas (2007) identified the key elements that provide the basis for agile project management as visual control, co located high performing teams, test driven development, adaptive control, collaborative development, feature driven development, leadership and collaboration, a move from cost to revenue focus and lessons learned. Vision control assists teams in organising work in projects. Publishing time plans and progress charts allow the team to view the projects the same way and to clearly see where the project is at. Co located high performing teams greatly increases the quality of coordination and communication. Project managers need to have everyone working together in a collaborative manner. Agile teams develop test plans and at the same time they define requirements. If a requirement isnt testable then it is not fully developed. Adaptive Control tries to have everyone on the team adapting to different situations. The project manager acts a leader not a task manager, they work with the team establishing working relations and setting the team ground rules. Agile team members have to be able to continuously adapt to improve their methods as lessons learned from previous cycles are incorporated into the next iteration. Collaboration is needed among all team members to get the best results from the team, they also need to document feedback and implement learnings on the next iteration. Feature driven development greatly reduces complexity and allows teams to focus on one feature at a time. Leadership and collaboration rather than command and control facilitate leadership in a team rather than traditional management. The project manager aims to remove and resolve any problems the agile team encounters. The business analysts manage the business benefits of the project and continuously focus the agile team on the business needs. The move from cost to revenue focus features prioritise based on value such as increased revenue to market share. The lessons learned program is completed after each cycle here the teams hold a lessons learned session to determine where improvements can be made for the next iteration. The team adapts to how members work together to improve the team performance. (Haas, 2007) 2.2 Five stages of agile project management With agile project management the focus is on continuous innovation to deliver project requirements. The product should also be adaptable to facilitate future customer requirements. Agile also strives to have both people and process adaptability to respond rapidly to product and business change. It focuses more on revenue than cost so that that the project supports business growth and profitability. Highsmith (2009) one of the founders of the agile alliance published, Agile project management: creating innovative products, in this he identified five stages of agile project management. Highsmith defined the five stages of agile project management as: 1. Envision: How to determine the product vision, the project objectives and constraints, the project community and how the team work together. 2. Speculate: Developing a capability and or feature based release plan to deliver on all aspects of the vision 3. Explore: To plan and deliver project running tested stories in a short iteration, constantly seek to reduce the risk and uncertainty of the project. 4. Adapt: Review the delivered results, the situation and the teams performance and adapt as necessary. 5. Close: Conclude the project, pass on the key learnings and celebrate. Envision: This phase creates a vision for the project team that covers what, who and how. If theres no vision phase, this means that the rest of the properties of agile project management are a wasted effort. The envision phase is a critical success factor early in any project. Team members need a vision to determine who will be involved, customers, members, management, stake holders and envision how to work together as a group. The purpose of the envisioning phase is to clearly identify what is to be done and how work is to be accomplished. The envision stage has four practices, product vision, project objectives and constraints, project community and approach. Product vision allows member of the team to fully understand their project. Teams should have a clear product vision and the product vision should be revisited regularly. Project objectives include a project data sheet, this is a single-page summary of key business and quality objectives, product capabilities, and project management in formation. A project data sheet contains clients, customers, project leader, product manager, executive sponsor and the project objective statement. The project objective statement includes the capabilities, quality objectives and risks that can impact on the project. The project community includes getting the right people for the job. In Agile project management the team members need to have an appropriate technical ability, be team players and be self disciplined. The final step in the product vision stage is how the team will deliver the product, between working as a team with developers and major stakeholders in the project. For large projects a meeting is usually needed to discuss the product vision. After the envision phase the team has reviews to ensure they fully understand the vision. (Highsmith, 2009) Speculate: The speculate phase consists of gathering initial based requirements for a product and defining a workload as a backlog of product features. In the speculative phase, the team design their iterations. Iterations are the planned stages of work in the project and each iteration has a timeline and a plan. The agile plan is to have a product at the end of each iteration. This would involve the stories, tests, and documentation being packaged to be deployed. Iterations are used to concentrate on small pieces of work that depend on the type of project being completed. Estimating project costs and generating administrative and financial information are also done in this phase. Within the speculate phase plans have to be able to adapt to change as customers understanding of their requirements change, work efforts vary and people can leave or join teams. This phase establishes a target and a direction for the team. During this phase the team should have an understanding of the prod uct structure, and the release plan. Agile project speculating helps the project team to answer some of the following questions. Determine how the product and its features will evolve in the current release Balance anticipation with adaptation as the project unfolds Focus on the highest-value features early in the project Think about the business goals, project objectives, and customer expectations Provide necessary cost and schedule information to management Coordinate interrelated activities and features across teams Consider alternatives and adaptive actions Provide a baseline for analyzing events that occur during the project Explore: Agile project management focuses on agile leaders tasks of creating self organising, self disciplined teams that deliver products. Iteration management covers planning and management during iteration cycles. The main explore activities are iteration planning and monitoring, technical practices and project community. Iteration planning and monitoring consists of three main activities: iteration planning, workload management, and monitoring iteration progress. The primary responsibility for managing this work lies with the iteration manager. The iteration manager may also facilitate meetings such as retrospectives held at the end of each iteration, several practices can be applied generically to many types of products-both hardware and software. These generic technical practices are driven by the desire to keep quality high and the cost of change low. The four most common technical practices are simple design, continuous integration, ruthless automated testing, and refactoring . (Highsmith, 2009) Adapt: In the adapt phase the results are reviewed from customer, technical, people and process performance, and project status perspectives. The analysis looks at the actual versus planned project. The results of adaptation are fed into a re-planning effort to begin the next iteration. After the envision phase, the loop will be speculate, explore and adapt with each iteration successively refining the product. Control and correction are common terms applied to this phase. Plans are made, results are monitored and corrections are made implying what plans were right and the actual results. Adapt implies modification or change rather than success or failure. In agile project management responding to change is more important than following a plan. (Highsmith, 2009) Close: Projects are partially defined by the presence of both a beginning and an end. The key purpose of the close phase is the learning and the incorporation that learning into the work of the next iteration or passing it on to the next project team. This phase is the final step in the project, and is often overlooked. Finalising documentation, support material release notes and financial material all have to be tidied up before a project can close. In software projects the project is usually archived for safe keeping. In agile project management when closing a project it is important to have a project retrospective. This helps the team learn about its dynamics and intra team learning activities. It also allows the team to talk about what went well in the project and where it hit obstacles. (Highsmith, 2009) 3 Scrum project management Scrum project management approach embraces the agile iterative and incremental practices. Scrum can be used on projects of any size. It can manage XP projects, where XP projects uses customer on site with this the project team can be sure they are creating what the customer wants. SCRUM is revolved around simplicity, resulting in the delivery of a product that moves the project forward. It works on small pieces of the project at a time, these are known as iterations. Each iteration consists of some requirements gathering, analysis, design, development and testing combining to create an iterative release cycle. (Murphy, 2004) Scrum has three defined roles, the product owner, scrum master and the project team. The product owner is generally the product manager. The scrum master is the project manager or team leader. They enact scrum values and practices. They are responsible for issues that may hold up the project. The project team should consist of between 5-10 members. The team should include cross-functional team members, involving individuals from a multitude of disciplines including designers and developers. The scrum product backlog records the project requirements that are defined by the product owner. The project team creates a sprint backlog that comprises of product backlog items that they believe can be completed in a thirty day period. After thirty days the team should have a shippable product. (Murphy, 2004) The product owner, scrum master and the project team make rough estimates of how long each item will take. This SCRUM process can be seen in figure 2. Figure 2 The Scrum Process Scrum daily meetings are time limited, the daily Scrum meeting is typically confined to 15 minutes. Only extraordinary projects should require more than 15 minutes. The purpose of the Daily Scrum meeting is to answer Scrums three questions: What did you do yesterday? What will you do today? What obstacles are in your way? At the end of each sprint, a sprint review meeting is held. Again this meeting is time boxed. The team presents what they have developed during the sprint to the product owner. after the sprint review and prior to the next sprint planning meeting the scrum master holds a sprint retrospective meeting with the team. The scrum master encourages the team to revise within the scrum process framework and practices, its development process to make it more effective for the next sprint. (Murphy, 2004) 4 Agile project management in the telecommunications industry Agile methods like Scrum can be applied to any project to help deliver improved results. (Mac Iver, 2009). Many telecommunications companies utilise scrum techniques. This can be seen in the case study at TechCore. (Schwaber, 2004). Previous to the implementation of scrum the company could not see its priorities. By creating a product backlog this allowed the company to see that revenue could be made by focusing attention on product development. Within four months of implementing Scrum, the company had achieved its goals and the company prospects had improved. Before the implementation of scrum, TechCore had day log review meetings where the manager would impart his knowledge and direction to the development engineers. These meeting often went off track taking up the full teams day. With scrum the manager got involved in daily scrum meetings, with this they identified that teams werent taking and individual problems were holding up the project. As each engineer reported his or her st atus, Michel the project manager saw that if he focused his attention on product development, he could expedite design decisions, ensure that the correct path was taken, and actually get involved in the critical business of his company. He focused his efforts on helping the team with its short-term problems, which were all related to preparing the subsystem for the show. The daily scrum meetings also highlighted supply chain problems where engineers were waiting for component deliveries. Once this problem was identified the project manager employed two junior engineers to work with supply chain to identify and source components as quick as possible so there was no delay to the project and it freed up senior engineers time from dealing with these smaller matters. (Schwaber, 2004). The scrum project management technique has also been used in a nationwide WAN upgrade project as seen in Appendix 1, this project involved upgrading up to four hundred sites all over Ireland, each site need ed new network equipment installed including routers and switches and all sites had to be visited individually. All network equipment had to be configured before the site visit. This was one of the biggest projects undertaken by the project manager interviewed in Appendix A. By implementing Scrum the team of six people, the scrum master and the project manager all had a clear and concise understanding of what was happening at any given time. The teams were split up into three groups of two pairs. With this the project manager hoped that the pairs would work together in both configuring and installing the network equipment. The map of Ireland was divided into geographical sections, these sections were each going to represent a sprint, which would take approximately five weeks to complete. Each area was then assigned to a team. The first week of the sprint all staff were office based, configuring network equipment, for the remaining four weeks of the sprint the three teams were on sit e. Daily sprint meetings were held in the office which was ideal, as all members shared an office, these meeting were quick, clear and concise, covering what has been done today, what the plan for the rest of the day was and if there were any problems holding up the project. Once the teams were on site, a quick conference call between the teams and the scrum master covered the daily sprint meeting. With this the teams were always in contact and could share problems, solutions and new ideas. The main problem the teams ran into was if a team member was off work due to holidays or sick leave, where this happened, the scrum master could easily fit into any of the three teams, and carry out the work of the scrum master and the technician on the ground so that the project could stay on target for the specific dates that were outlined in the scrum backlog at the beginning. He identified that this may not be ideal in other SCRUM projects, but it works in this situation. At the end of the five week cycle the team and mangers would have a sprint review meeting, in this they identified where they were seeing recurring problems, what extra equipment or tools were required and how the process could run more smoothly. After the first sprint review meeting all three teams had small problems but improvised to complete what they had planned to do. During the sprint retrospective each team had different problems including faulty network equipment, lack of tools and no access to the communications room in buildings, once these were identified the scrum master found solutions to them and the same problems didnt reoccur. 5 Conclusion After researching this topic, there is not a lot of documentation of agile project management in the telecoms industry. Companies such as BT and Siemens have successfully implemented agile techniques into their software development teams, but they have not documented using agile in implementing their telecoms projects. One case study completed at Techcore an American telecommunications company (Schwaber, 2004) that has successfully implemented agile project management; from this case study before the implementation of agile the CEO of the company was trying to run all aspects of the company but was failing miserably. Once agile methodologies were implemented it became evident where and why their projects were failing as the CEO was trying to run all aspects of the company at the same time, and no are was given priority over any other. The development of the product backlog and the implementation of daily SCRUM meetings proved to be beneficial from day one. SCRUM also identified where time was being lost in the procurement of components as engineers were often left waiting for equipment resulting in the project being held up. The interview with the project manager from Appendix A also identifies how implementing SCRUM in a telecoms project was a success and the results were obvious very early on in the project. In this WAN upgrade project, the project managers implemented SCRUM, split the team of six into pairs, designed a product backlog, separated the project into sprints, held daily meetings as well as sprint review and sprint retrospective meetings. The project is still ongoing but as of this moment both project managers and senior managers have identified this project as a success. If agile is implemented in stages covering the envision, speculate, explore, adapt and close phases identified by Highsmith, the project proves to be successful, but if any of the five processes are missed the project may not prove to be as successful.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Winter Essay -- Creative Writing Essays

I pressed my face up against the glass window, my moist breath causing it to fog up. I watched the boy's dark silhouette shift positions slightly, as he leaned back against the deteriorating stonewall, and buried his head in his hands. Tendrils of dark bronze hair assisted in the covering of his face, making it even more impossible to see what he might look like. He didn't know I was here, quietly watching him. Hell, he didn't even know I existed. I squinted, straining my vision, hoping I could maybe see his face in order to have a visual picture of him. But I couldn't. The nighttime environment only helped him remain anonymous. Yet, even without being able to clearly see him, I was slowly being overwhelmed by a very strange feeling - that I had to leave. Now. And as if he'd planned it, the boy's head snapped up, and his eyes immediately met mine. They were a shockingly bright turquoise, and in them was an unknown emotion so overpowering that I actually gasped and stumbled backwards. My heart was pounding so loudly that all other noise seemed to fade away. - "What is that, Winter?" Tyler inquired, pointing to the new diamond stud in the side of my nose. "A nose piercing," I replied irritably. I was in a dark mood, and even my best guy friend was bothering me at the moment. I just didn't want to talk to anyone. All I wanted to do was go back to that house - with that boy. His face had been burned in my mind, those aqua eyes haunting my thoughts. The corners of Ty's lips turned down, his eyes showing that he was upset. His angelic face didn't hide his emotions either, he was hurt. "I know. I just want to talk to you." "Sorry," I muttered halfheartedly. "I didn't mean to be so snappish. I'm in a bad m... ...'s your name?" he requested, a small laugh following the statement, and causing my heart to throb uncontrollably. "Because I can't keep calling you 'pretty', as true as it is." I felt lightheaded at his compliment, and reminded myself to breathe. "Winter," I said, my voice sounding stifled and forced. "Winter, eh? The name suits you quite well. Pale skin, gorgeous blue eyes†¦ the beauty and colors of the season." He winked at me, suddenly seeming a bit more human, not to mention all the more seductive. "Thank you," I said nervously. God, I must be so awkward to talk to right now. "I†¦ I almost feel like I have to come," I admitted quietly. "There's something that keeps drawing me back." A small smile formed on his lips, and there was a glint in his eyes that was bordering sinister. "Oh†¦ is there now? Finding the long way home, aren't you?" Winter Essay -- Creative Writing Essays I pressed my face up against the glass window, my moist breath causing it to fog up. I watched the boy's dark silhouette shift positions slightly, as he leaned back against the deteriorating stonewall, and buried his head in his hands. Tendrils of dark bronze hair assisted in the covering of his face, making it even more impossible to see what he might look like. He didn't know I was here, quietly watching him. Hell, he didn't even know I existed. I squinted, straining my vision, hoping I could maybe see his face in order to have a visual picture of him. But I couldn't. The nighttime environment only helped him remain anonymous. Yet, even without being able to clearly see him, I was slowly being overwhelmed by a very strange feeling - that I had to leave. Now. And as if he'd planned it, the boy's head snapped up, and his eyes immediately met mine. They were a shockingly bright turquoise, and in them was an unknown emotion so overpowering that I actually gasped and stumbled backwards. My heart was pounding so loudly that all other noise seemed to fade away. - "What is that, Winter?" Tyler inquired, pointing to the new diamond stud in the side of my nose. "A nose piercing," I replied irritably. I was in a dark mood, and even my best guy friend was bothering me at the moment. I just didn't want to talk to anyone. All I wanted to do was go back to that house - with that boy. His face had been burned in my mind, those aqua eyes haunting my thoughts. The corners of Ty's lips turned down, his eyes showing that he was upset. His angelic face didn't hide his emotions either, he was hurt. "I know. I just want to talk to you." "Sorry," I muttered halfheartedly. "I didn't mean to be so snappish. I'm in a bad m... ...'s your name?" he requested, a small laugh following the statement, and causing my heart to throb uncontrollably. "Because I can't keep calling you 'pretty', as true as it is." I felt lightheaded at his compliment, and reminded myself to breathe. "Winter," I said, my voice sounding stifled and forced. "Winter, eh? The name suits you quite well. Pale skin, gorgeous blue eyes†¦ the beauty and colors of the season." He winked at me, suddenly seeming a bit more human, not to mention all the more seductive. "Thank you," I said nervously. God, I must be so awkward to talk to right now. "I†¦ I almost feel like I have to come," I admitted quietly. "There's something that keeps drawing me back." A small smile formed on his lips, and there was a glint in his eyes that was bordering sinister. "Oh†¦ is there now? Finding the long way home, aren't you?"

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Meaningful Work

I believe that meaningful work means doing a job that fulfills what you want to achieve. This may be in the form of money or prestige or simply self-satisfaction. It should be the easiest way to get to where you want to be. Most people view their jobs as terrible, hard or boring tasks that need to be done just to survive. I, however, would rather look at work as something to enjoy while making sure I get something I want in return. Hating one’s job seems to be a public consensus. Very few appreciate their work.   Calvin, in the comic series, Calvin and Hobbes, is popular for saying â€Å"It’s only work if somebody makes you do it.† Most people look at their jobs as stressful because of the pressure that goes with it: deadlines, hard-to-please employers and waking up early after sleeping late the night before. If we really think about it, it is not any different from school. At least in a job, you get paid not just a grade. People would rather avoid work because of the pressure. However, stress management is something we all can learn because â€Å"stress is a response to pressure.† (What Is Work) To handle pressure, we must learn how to balance work and life instead of letting it rule our lives. Sir James M. Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, once said â€Å"nothing is really work unless you would rather do something else† but I believe that to achieve great things, we need to change our view of work. In the book, â€Å"The Lazy Way To Success – How To Do Nothing And Accomplish Everything,† the author, Fred Gratzon, believes that the â€Å"basis of success is not hard work. The basis of success is doing less.† (25) What he meant was that by thinking clearly of how to solve our problems (money, most of the time), we can find solutions that do not necessarily take our happiness away. Gratzon believes that if you put the problem in its correct perspective, you can think of easier ways to get what you want less anxiety and effort. Gratzon is right. Work, I believe is important to achieve what I want or need. It may be money or prestige or happiness. Whatever my goals would be in the future will determine my chosen jobs someday. Realistically, I know I can’t always get the job I want but I believe that I can choose the right attitude and do what I need to do to get what I want. Work is not a pain but a means for me to gain. Work is the way to put meaning in my life. Works Cited â€Å"What Is Work Related Stress?† 2006 Gratzon, Fred. The Lazy Way To Success – How To Do Nothing And Accomplish Everything. Iowa: Soma Press, 2002.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Anti-Idealism In Shakespeares Hamlet - 1563 Words

In the â€Å"Polemical Introduction† of Mark Edmundson’s book, Self and Soul, he calls William Shakespeare â€Å"our great de-idealizing author.† In his book, Edmundson examines the ideals of the ancient world and how they have been lost in the modern world. In one section of the introduction to his novel he analyzes Shakespeare’s works and how they function as a shift between these two worlds. Specifically, he examines Shakespeare’s rejection of the â€Å"religious ideal [and] the ideal of contempt,† as well as his use of skepticism and â€Å"uncertainties, mysteries, and doubts without driving forward to conclusions.† Furthermore, Edmundson discusses how Shakespeare dismissal of these ideals worked as a reflection of modern societies shift away from the†¦show more content†¦Therefore, we can see that the religious ideals seen in Hamlet are like those of the ideals of the ancient world rather than the modern one. Two scenes i n the play show this theme most clearly: the scene in which Hamlet speaks with the ghost of his dead father and the scene in which Claudius confesses for the murder. When Hamlet first speaks with the ghost, King Hamlet tells Hamlet that he is â€Å"doomed for a certain term to walk the night / and for the day confined to fast in fires / till the foul crimes done in my days of nature / are burnt and purged away† (1.5.15-18). This line invokes the idea of purgatory, a Catholic idea. Furthermore, the ghost asks Hamlet to revenge him for his death. Although Hamlet is unsure of the truth of the ghost’s words, he does not show the skepticism of Horatio. Hamlet’s morality and desire to revenge his father is based on religion, because Claudius has committed sin not only by killing his father, but also by marrying his mother, and incestuous act. Therefore, the readers can see that much of Claudius villainous acts are based around sins. Hamlet’s religious morality also makes him different from Shakespeare’s other tragic heroes such as Macbeth or Othello, whose demise is caused by their own evil faults, such as ambition and jealousy. The other major religious scene in the play is Claudius confession after the play Hamlet put on. Hamlet overhears Claudius admit to killing his father, but still doesn’t kill him, because he asks himself,Show MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Julius Caesar, Hamlet, And Henry V2709 Words   |  11 Pagesthe internal moral struggle that every man goes through, the concept of what is right and what is wrong in a world that is full of gray areas. More specifically he deals with the concept of honor and morality in several of his plays. Julius Caesar, Hamlet, and Henry V, to a lesser extent, deal with how men handle these and can reconcile otherwise heinous acts. Now, being well aware that Shakespeare does not account for all the Renaissance writers, however his are the most prevalent still today andRead More The American Dream Conspiracy in Death of a Salesman Essay1728 Words   |  7 Pagespartners in the American Dream and parties to the conspiracy of silence surrounding the fact that failures must outnumber successes.(Samantaray, 2014) Miller amalgamates the archetypal tragic hero with the mundane American citizen. The result is the anti-hero, Willy Loman. He is a simple salesman who constantly aspires to become great. Nevertheless, Willy has a waning career as a salesman and is an aging man who considers himself to be a failure but is incapable of consciously admitting it. As aRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words   |  47 Pagessupport instructive in values American Renaissance/Romanticism period of American Literature - 18001855 Content: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · writing that can be interpreted 2 ways, on the surface for common folk or in depth for philosophical readers sense of idealism focus on the individual s inner feelings emphasis on the imagination over reason and intuition over facts urbanization versus nostalgia for nature burden of the Puritan past Genre/Style: ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · ï‚ · literary tale character sketch slave narratives